We Are the Wave is a German upcoming drama web series based on the 1981 novel The Wave by Todd Strasser. We Are the Wave Season One originally premiered on Netflix on November 1, 2019. This mysterious web series is written by Jan Berger and directed by Anka Miruna and Mark Monheim. We Are the Wave is packed with suspense, cool and twists with great cinematography and has been loved by millions of fans.
This television series has managed to garner a lot of love from the audience and has been rated on IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, and many other rating platforms. Season one did well on screen, but it did not live up to the expectations of fans and managed to average 6.2 out of 10 on IMDb, 3 out of 5 on Common Sense Media, and 3.6 on Rotten Tomatoes.
Overall, it has been a worth watching and fans are asked to revive the series for one more season in a row. In the section below, we’ll find out when it will arrive, what the cast is like, and the story of the second season.
Web Series We Are the Wave Season 2 Release Date
There are many series in the queue for Netflix so this series may take some time to release. However, there is a high chance that if the showrunners revive the series, it will probably hit the screens in early 2022 or towards the end of the same month. If the web series makers announce any concrete plans to revive the series, we will get back to you with updated content.
Web Series We Are the Wave Season 2 Actor & Actress/ Cast:
As of now, nothing has been cleared by the makers and if the upcoming season hits the screens then there is a high chance that most of the characters from the previous season might be retained for a second season and the show there may be more new faces. To be added to the list of artists as well.
In the section below, we’ll share the characters and roles they played in the past seasons of We Are the Wave. So, keep reading more to know more about the cast.
- Bianca Hein as Rike Herst
- Jascha Baum as Luis
- Andrea Guo as Birth
- Milena Tscharntke as Sophie
- Manuel Klein as Glese
- Leon Seidel as Lasse
- Charlotte Uedingslo as Tania
- Ludwig Simon as Tristan Broch
- Luis Befort as Lea Herst
- Michelle Barthel as Zazie Elsner
- Mohammed Issa as Rahim Hadad
- Daniel Friedl as Haggen Lemmart
- Bela Gabor Lenz as Marvin
- Sarah Mahita as Paula
- Christian Erdmann as Andreas Herst
- Christen Hunold as Kim
We Are the Wave Season 2 Trailer:
The showrunners of this series are yet to declare the trailer date and for now, we do not have any official trailer for the upcoming series. It is being predicted that if season 2 is resurrected then the trailer will be released a month back along with the teaser. However, there are many fan-made trailers on various platforms like YouTube where you can watch the trailers and also extract the plot.
However, once the makers announce an official trailer, most probably we will get back to you with its official trailer. Till then we can wait and watch season one.
The makers of this series are yet to reveal the status of the revival of this second season and the fans out there are eagerly looking forward to it.
We Are the Wave Season 2 Web Series Details:
Country: | Germany |
Language: | German |
Genre | Drama, Mystery |
Director: | Anca Miruna Lazarescu and Mark Monheim |
Producer | Christian Becker |
Release Date : | 29th October 2021 |
Web Series We Are the Wave Season 2 Conclusion:
You can stream Season 1 via any of the above options. Season 2 will release soon this year.
We will soon know what are the new problems in which the gang will survive. Will they leave the gang and settle in their own world or will they continue to fight for their rights and against social injustice. Hope for the best!