“Donald Trump Born 14 June 1946 in New Yark City of United States”.
If you want to know a quick answer of these questions, like who is Donald Trump? About Donald Trump, Biography of Donald Trump, history of Donald Trump? So please read our quick and short description about Donald Trump in below:
Country | United States |
Full Name of Donald Trump | Donald John Trump |
Nick Name of Donald Trump | Donald Trump |
Born of Donald Trump | 14 June 1946 |
Death of Donald Trump | – |
Born Place of Donald Trump | New York City (US) |
Death Place of Donald Trump | – |
Father of Donald Trump | Frederick Christ Trump |
Mother of Donald Trump | Mary Anne MacLeod Trump |
Brothers of Donald Trump | 2 (Robert Trup, Fred Trump, Jr.) |
Sisters of Donald Trump | 2 (Maryanne Trump Barry, Elizabeth Trump Grau) |
Married | Yes |
Wife of Donald Trump | 3 wifes Melania Trump(Married 2005), Ivana Marie Trump(Married in 1977 and divorced in 1992.), Marla Ann Maples (Married in 1993 and divorced in 1999), |
Son of Donald Trump | Barron Trump (Nov, 2016) |
Daughter of Donald Trump | No |
Education of Donald Trump: · Bachelor of Science degree in economics in May 1968 |
Working life of Donald Trump:
45th President of United State since Jan, 2017, before PM he was the American businessman (The Trump Organization). |
Achievements of Donald Trump:
Energy and environmental policy Economic and labor policy Trade policy Foreign policy |
List of Books Written by Donald Trump:
The America We Deserve Written by Donald Trump and author Dave Shiflet Trump: The Art of the Comeback Written by Donald Trump and journalist Kate Bohner Trump: The Art of the Deal(1987) written by Donald Trump and journalist Tony Schwartz Trump: Surviving at the Top written by Donald Trump and journalist Charles Leerhsen |
If you want to know more about USA Country then Please read our full article on United State of America by clicking this link: https://thegkguide.com/history-of-usa/
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